WTEC press
21 Jul 2023
Today, 21 July 2023, Nyska Energetyka Cieplna – Nysa Sp. z o.o. and WTEC P.S.A. / Richard Kablitz GmbH / Idreco s.r.l. consortium have signed a contract worth over 130 milions for the construction of a boiler room with a steam boiler fired with alternative fuel.
Today, 21 July, the President of the NEC - Nysa Artur Pawlak, signed a contract for the construction of a new - eco heating plant with an alternative fuel (i.e. RDF) steam boiler. From the contractor - Consortium of companies: WTEC P.S.A. Wrocław, Richard Kablitz GmbH. Germany and IDERCO s.r.l. Italy - signed the President of the Consortium Simone Pantaloni.
The plant was financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection (NFOŚ) and is scheduled to last for 2.5 years.
This Waste-to-Energy plant has a capacity to treat 15.000 ton/tear of alternative fuel RDF (produced from municipal and other type of waste) producing Thermal Power (that will be used in the city district heating) and Electrical Power (which will be fed into the national electricity grid).
This solution will allow to the NEC Company to reduce the Coal consumption, currently used in the city district heating with large benefit to the citizens and to the environment, too.
The execution of this installation is part of the much broader national energy and ecological transition plan and as such has had wide resonance and attention in the national media:
The small/medium sized plants, i.e., capable of treating up to a maximum of 60/80,000 tons/year, that WTEC is able to supply represent the future in Poland as they can meet the needs of consortia of municipalities up to a maximum of 400,000 inhabitants